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About AJ’s Pro Shop
AJ’s pro shop is the premiere location for all you bowling equipment needs in Grand Rapids and Comstock Park. AJ has been drilling bowling balls for over 30 years. We offer a wealth of bowling knowledge for the beginner and experienced bowler. Come to AJ’s pro shop if you need a new bowling ball, bowling shoes, or any other bowling equipment. We will drill your bowling ball to match your exact fit.
Very Important Bowler
VIB Membership

- $75.00 per person
- Valid for one year from date of purchase.
- First time usage will receive 15% off first ball, bag or shoe purchase
- 10% off every ball, bag, shoe and accessory purchase
- 4 fifteen-minute oil extraction treatments- $60.00 value
- 4 resurfaces- $100.00 value
- 4 pairs of inserts- $48.00 value
- Every ball purchased will receive free inserts and a discount on IT, switch grip or thumb slug, discount will be half off.- $12.50 or $7.50 for slug
- 8 clean, polishes or sand ball treatments- $40.00 value
- Matching competitors pricing on sale prices. (Must not be a discontinued item)
- Member only specials throughout the year (emailed to members – need address)
- Every 4th ball purchased will receive 20% off. (Can have friends/family use to add up and get to 4th ball discount)
If you’re interested in this membership, send me a message, text or stop in to the shop.
Pro shop Services

- Blank Drill With Grips
- $70
- Blank Drill No Grips
- $60
- Finger Grips
- $15/pair
- Thumb Slug
- $25
- Switch Grip – Outer
- $25
- Switch Grip – inner
- $25
- Oil Removal
- $20
- Resurface
- $40
- Plug fingers
- $30
- Plug thumb
- $30
- Wet Sanding/Polishing
- $5

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